共為你找到:200筆yahooweather is better 相關企業資訊
GBS started as a trading company in 2003 to serve the semiconductor market in Singapore. Its earlier products were mainly precision machined parts from Korea which were fast becoming a commodity as the industry matured. In order to remain relevant in the marketplace, a better definition was made to our business strategy. Our goal is to create sustainable and differentiated value propositions to our customers by leveraging on our Partners’ core competencies, our network and developing local expertise in supporting the defined products and services. In line with the business strategy in moving up the value chain, we have set up a Heater Pedestal refurb facility in Singapore in 2009 under a licensing agreement with our US’s technology partner, Aceco Precision Manufacturing – a 5 times Intel (2005-2009) PQS Award winner. As part of our growth strategies; growing beyond Singapore and Semiconductor. An associated company, GBS (Taiwan) was incorporated in Hsinchu in 2009 to serve our customers in Taiwan and China. Leveraging on our Partners’ technologies meant for semiconductor manufacturing, new applications were developed in new market segments such in the Defense, LED and Solar manufacturing.
MIL was founded on the principles of compassion, creativity and awareness. Always keeping God in mind, we aim to provide better and more sustainable design to everyday products. Our products explore new technology to elevate our standard of living through creative solutions. Our company values responsibility and innovation and hopes to show this dedication through our work. Explore and Design to fulfill the needs of lives. It is our goal. We design around people with creativity and responsibility to elevate our living standard in every detail. This is the core value and believed of Magicland Industrial Limited. When This new material (Magisticker™) was introduced to us, its “environmental friendly”, "reusable" and "easy on, easy off" characteristics have inspired us to appreciate Its unique functionality, therefore, step by step, we have implied it into everyday living products. In the beginning of 2009, we have MAGISTICKER™/MAGICSTICKER™ for our first product line.
We’ve been changing people’s lives through health and happiness for 25 years. Join us in living better today. Sales the first month were $23,000. Then due to the perseverance of Mark Hughes, first year sales skyrocketed to $2 MILLION! Herbalife is now a multi-national nutrition company with sales over $1.7 BILLION a year! Mark has set the sails of Herbalife to achieve $5 BILLION a year within the next few years, and with Marks outstanding record of achievements, it is a goal that can be reached! Herbalife is bringing the world together through good nutrition. Marks dream is to take Herbalife products to every corner of the planet and provide people with the opportunity his mother did not have. HERE WE GROW! Herbalife started in Beverly Hills, California, where we now have our world headquarters. With an aggressive expansion attitude, Herbalife currently operates in 72 countries, and we welcome new countries every year! In addition to our international expansion efforts, Herbalife is a company for the future. With major involvement in D.A.R.E. and the creation of the Herbalife Family Foundation Herbalife is dedicated to improving the lives of all people! HOW WE DO IT Herbalife is a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) of Australia & New Zealand and is a member of the Direct Selling Association in most of the countries where it operates. Herbalife has more than 1.9 million Independent Distributors worldwide. Each Distributor enjoys the freedom that comes from being your own boss. Herbalife emphasizes herbs and other natural ingredients in our weight loss, nutritional and personal care product lines. Our exclusive formulations appeal to the growing consumer interest in herbal and natural products.
政府立案,專業幼教/補習班,創立多年,已建立良好口碑,致力於幼兒.國小學童教育,倡導雙語學習,師資優良,定時規劃教職員在職進修,規劃一系列升遷計畫,廣納教職員建言,人性化管理,讓幼兒.學童.老師擁有ㄧ個愉快的工作環境.願意挑戰高薪的您,立即加入 A Better Choice is at Daniel’s. ● 新竹市私立丹尼爾托兒所(丹尼爾美語學校) 創立於民國 89 年,主要從事丹尼爾美語學校;擁有為數不少的客戶群。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『人性化制度化.』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入丹尼爾美語學校 的工作行列。
本公司位於新竹科學園區內,為第一家新創的軟體研發及服務公司,專注於雲端運算相關技術! 我們是以創造快樂工作環境為目標的軟體樂園,也就是你目前所在的 is-land (亦思科技),主要提供專業的軟體資訊技術,扮演創新及最有價值的資訊服務廠商 除了公司介紹,讓你最最最最關心的兩件事應該就是工作環境及公司福利,沒錯沒錯!現在就給你你想要的 Is-land擁有讓人放鬆的工作氛圍,更提供了完整的教育訓練環境,除了基本款的程式語言,還有機會接觸並學習到目前正燒的Web2.0及SOA相關的knowhow,除此之外還有資訊技術以外的通識課程 (每個月皆有針對不同主題所設計的月會活動),給你不同以往的深度饗宴。 另外,關於公司福利,不敢說有多好~多好~,但是只要你安分守己,公司有任何好康的絕對少不了你,加上is-land成員普遍年輕化,彼此就跟兄弟姐妹一樣,公司大家長就像是你家老媽老爸的照顧你 (當然啦!他們也許還會少了囉哩囉嗦的這個部份~~ XD ),所以絕對不會有所謂的代溝。在工作上,大家都會互相cover,絕不會讓你有孤軍奮戰的感覺。至於薪水,符合業界的行情水準都是有的,還會有一些額外獎金,津貼,基於某些原則,不能透露太多,但是只要你用心,公司福利絕對有你這一份,除了以上介紹的固定性活動,更有不定期的團聚,員工旅遊,度假式尾牙,電影欣賞等等! 現在徵求各方軟體高手(如有相關程式撰寫經驗更好),歡迎對於軟體開發有興趣的人前來了解,如果想試試看自己的能力到哪裡的話,歡迎你帶著《聰明的腦袋》、《熱誠的態度》前來挑戰 ...... (凡願意加入我們亦思大家庭者,請先宣讀以下誓詞) 2011年 亦思火力旺旺宣誓詞 我們以健康快樂、誠懇勤勉的心情宣誓: 我們願意在亦思科技股份有限公司服務期間,力求自我超越、締造佳績,並以矯健的手、靈活的腦、和人在腦在、人亡腦不亡的無敵毅力,寧死不屈的廝殺在軟體戰場上,讓客戶不僅豎起讚揚的大拇指,就連他們的腳趾也不放過的翻過去,並齊力讓公司在2011年旺旺紅不讓!
Bó Lè Associates is a leading international executive search firm with a well developed network of 22 local offices in the world. Bó Lè Associates was established in 1996, drawing the inspiration from a famous proverb in the Tang Dynasty about Bó Lè(伯乐), a legend who possessed a unique ability to identify the best horse from among a thousand great horses. We continue the legacy of Bó Lè by building a firm that was staunchly committed to the best of the best philosophy. We understand that gaining the recognition and respect of our clients is our single biggest accomplishment as a professional firm. We are driven by an extraordinary focus on achieving the highest global standards, while developing the best local resources, empowered by a seamless, integrated network to provide timely and cost-effective solutions for our clients’ critical hires. Our past success makes us humble yet strong and confident in facing the future. We seek to surpass what we have achieved in the past years - aiming for even higher global standards, developing even better local resources and further intensifying our commitment to providing the best solutions to clients.
Found in 2011, our company is a Taiwan professional mobile phone accessories manufacturer. we are engaging in case for IPHONE 3G/4G, Blackberry, IPAD notebook, and diamond stickers .. We focus on research design, production, sales all the products . We provide all kinds of different materials , such as Jeweled/diamond case , silicone case, TPU case , PC case, PC leather case , as well as kinds of exquisite fashion diamond stickers. Owing to the full range, competitive price and good after-sales service, our products are exported to North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, East Asia, Western Europe and so on .It has deeply affected the customers , and has established the long-term ,stable relationship of cooperation with Retailers and agents in home and abroad . Depending on strong strength , good credit, paying more attention to the contracts, better product quality, as well as the principles of various flexible operating characteristics, our company has wined the trust of domestic and foreign customers. Your satisfaction is our greatest goal. Welcome you to be our good partners .
利明週邊公司】( VIEWTEK Lee Ming Industrial Co., Ltd.),成立於民國61年,本公司營運涵蓋數項業務:(1)液晶螢幕(LCD)之研發製造(2)資訊產品代理經銷。 本公司業務以LCD OEM (外銷)及建立自有經銷通路(內銷)為主,提供完整之產品及專業技術,未來,我們將致力於LCD Base 的產品之開發及客戶服務上,希望能提供客戶 一個高滿意度(High Satisfaction)、高信賴度(High Reliability)之服務。 Founded in 1972 , Lee Ming devoted into LCD field from 1996 since become a quality LCD module and monitor manufacturer. Reputation is established by the satisfaction of customers and this even better than any advertisem
成立時間: 西元1997年 經營理念: As a subsidiary of VSL international of Switzerland and a member of BOUYGUES S.A. of France, VSL is part of a major international construction group with a combined workforce of over 80,000. With offices throughout the world,35 subsidiaries located on 5 continents, VSL offers a comprehensive range of professional services for any post-tensioning project. As a technical leader in the post-tensioning industry, VSL works continuously, though its quality assurance program, to refine, improve, and expand the scope of its systems and services. Subscribing to the philosophy that what is good today may always be made better for tomorrow, VSL has always attracted the most talented and motivated people, all with one goal: to be your most valued construction partner. 威勝利集團(VSL International) 於1997年在台灣成立了台灣威勝利股份有限公司。 我們秉持著一貫的企業使命、對工程品質的堅持、以及對客戶服務的熱忱,先後參與了台灣許多重要的交通工程建設,其中包括:西濱快速道路、台灣第二高速公路、東西向快速道路、台灣高速鐵路、北高兩市捷運興建工程以及其他縣市橋樑興建工程等。此外我們也參與了許多政府與民間重大投資計劃的興建工程,包括了旅館、飯店、商場、辦公大樓、科技園區廠房、工業區原料儲存槽等。
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